Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Too Much Fun!!

That's what we're having.  Too much!!

No time for blogging!!! (plus we're in nowhere Sask with little Internet access!!)

Highlights so far:

- Maki riding the wooden rocking horse that I had when I was a kid (and Grandpa Simmons had when he was a kid) -- yes we have pictures!

- Mak giggling while the puppies lick him

- Mak draggin my Mom's cat around by her tail ... I don't know why she let him, but she did.  It was FUNNY.

- Visiting with the Kantors at the Blue Park (Gillian you'll send us those pictures yes??)

- Lots of family time visiting and laughing!

So -- in case anyone is following this ... hang tight! We'll put up some pictures and details at some point.

For now -- YAY for vacations!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Think Happy Thoughts

It almost seems like our time at home is the 'vacation' this summer - traveling has become the norm!

Tomorrow we head to the airport - Mak's first trip on an airplane!  If it doesn't go well, no worries -- we're only going to Regina.  The descend begins only moments after we get in the air.  :)

We're mostly organized ... downsized from the last trip, but still traveling with what seems like WAY too much stuff.  Aahhh the comforts of home.

We're excited to spend some time with my family, and have lots of activities planned for the trip.  You'll have to check in from time to time to see what!!

second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning ....